The Bible record of God’s plan may be divided into three parts.

First, in the Old Testament and the Gospels, the need for and promise of salvation is recorded. As foretold, Jesus bought our salvation by giving His life on the cross.

Second, in the Book of Acts, is described what actually happens when people get saved. Nowhere else is such specific detail given.

Third, in the Epistles, God gives instructions and encouragement to those who have received the experience detailed in the Book of Acts.

This post is about the second part where people receive the promises of the first without which the blessing and rewards of the third cannot and do not apply


The Christian church began on the Day of Pentecost. It started at that moment when the first disciples of Jesus received the anointing of the Holy Spirit. They became Christians ‘Anointed ones’. This is precisely the meaning of that word – Christian. They were the first to receive the New Covenant. The benefits that Jesus had paid for with his own life were delivered to His early followers on that day. Not surprisingly it was on the day considered by the Jews to be the anniversary of the giving of the Old Covenant to the children of Israel at Mt Sinai. It was fifty days after the celebration of the Passover when Jesus, the Lamb of God, had been crucified. The disciples of Jesus were waiting obediently in that city. Waiting, as commanded, for the baptism of the Holy Ghost which Jesus had promised several days before.

‘And, being assembled together with them (the disciples), (Jesus) commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, said He, you have heard of me. For John truly baptised with water; but you shall be baptised with the Holy Ghost not many days hence’.

Acts 1: 4-5

So instead of moving out to tell the world of the triumph of the resurrection of Jesus they waited in faith for the promised Holy Ghost power.

‘And when the day of Pentecost was fully come…they (the disciples) were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them the utterance’.

Acts 2: 1-4

This was the first time in the history of the world that anyone had received the ‘promise of the Father’, the baptism of the Holy Ghost. It was truly the beginning of a new dispensation. The Old Covenant of the Law was ended. The age of Grace had begun. Onlookers gathered and were amazed that these simple folk were able to speak in many different foreign languages which they had never learned. It was apparent that these followers of Jesus were just humble Galileans. It was obviously a miracle. In fact this was the very sign that Jesus had promised would always be associated with those who believed in Him, confirmation of the heavenly father’s approval and blessing for all those who truly believe.

‘And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name… they shall speak in new tongues’

Mark 16: 17

Questions were asked on that day by those who observed this remarkable manifestation of the Spirit of God. Firstly they wanted to know what this outstanding miracle signified.

‘And were all amazed, and were in doubt, saying one to another, what does this mean?’

Acts 2: 12

Peter answered by explaining that this supernatural experience had been prophesied in the scriptures. Jesus of Nazareth approved of God by similar miracles and wonders and signs had been taken by wicked hands and crucified. God had raised Jesus from the dead. All these who were now filled with the Spirit were personal witnesses of that fact. Now, having ascended to heaven and being seated at the right hand of the Father, Jesus having received the promise of the Holy Ghost now had blessed His followers with this wonderful ‘baptism of the Holy Spirit’ experience which could be clearly seen and heard by all.

Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he (Jesus) has poured out this which you now see and hear’.

Acts 2: 33

This miraculous happening proved without doubt that Jesus was the Christ, the Lord, the promised Messiah.


After Peter’s explanation some of his audience asked the most important question that anyone can ask. They wanted to know what God required of them.

Now when they heard this they were pricked in their heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the Apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?’

Acts 2: 37

Peter gave them God’s answer. He gave them the most important answer anyone could give and anyone could receive. Inspired by the Holy Spirit Peter revealed to them God’s will. He told them what they must do to be saved.

‘Then Peter said to them, Repent, and be baptised every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise (of the baptism of the Holy Ghost) is to you, and your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call….save yourselves…’

Acts 2: 38-40

Look at the basic steps for salvation that Peter was given by God to present:


This is still God’s answer. His plan of salvation has never changed. On the first day of the Christian church the Lord directed Peter to state clearly, for all time and for all people, His simple requirements. So simple and straight forward that anyone can follow them. So uncomplicated, that there is no excuse for not following them exactly as given. True, the ramifications of God’s plan are immense, marvellous beyond our full comprehension. However, the basic steps are precise and plainly specified, easily understood by the simplest soul.

Repent means to ‘have another mind’. It means a change of direction. Instead of rebelling against the Lord, from this time forward our constant desire is to be obedient to His ways. Thus all who are truly repentant will, as a consequence, be baptised. They will be buried in the waters of baptism ‘in the likeness of His death’.

‘…we are buried with Him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the Glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of His death, we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection’.

Romans 6: 4-6

Jesus commanded water baptism AFTER believing and stated clearly its relationship to salvation.

‘He that believes and is baptised shall be saved; but he that believes not shall be damned’

Mark 16: 16

Anybody who truly believes and is really repentant will be baptised. It is a compromise and a distortion to say that believing does not include obedience. The word translated BELIEVE in the Greek means to ‘adhere to, rely on, to trust’ A believer in the bible sense of that word will adhere to Jesus Christ’s commands

(Jesus said) ‘If you love me, keep my commandments’

John 14: 15


Water baptism is commanded by the Lord. Thus Peter commanded the Gentiles to be baptised when he saw and heard that God had accepted them

‘And he (Peter) commanded them (the Gentiles) to be baptised in the name of the Lord’

Acts 10: 48

Having established clearly that in the Bible, believing includes water baptism we must not stop there. To be consistent we must include the next step in God’s plan. A Bible-type believer will always go on to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. No exceptions! Jesus said believers would ‘speak in tongues’. They always did in the scriptures. Just as the first disciples received the Spirit on the day of Pentecost so all subsequent believers receive the same promised holy Spirit with the same promised miraculous sign of speaking in tongues.

‘While Peter yet spake these words the Holy Ghost fell on all of them that heard the word. (Peter and his Jewish companions knew the Gentiles had received the Spirit)…. for they heard them speak with tongues….’

Acts 10: 44-46

If anyone claims to be a believer and does not ‘speak in tongues’ he is making out God’s word is not true. Rather, ‘let God be true and every man a liar’. Men say you can receive the Holy Spirit without the God-promised, God-given sign of tongues. Where are the scriptures that say that? There are none! On the other hand God gives several examples in His word of people receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Every time the Bible describes what happened as people received this New Covenant experience it states that they spoke in tongues. How many times should repetitive details be given before we accept it as being God’s pattern? The following are graphic accounts of people receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit:- Acts 2: 4, Acts 10: 46, Acts 11: 15, Acts 19: 6. In each case they spoke in tongues. These accounts have the authority of God’s Word and are the only ones we have or need. They are the only sure basis for deciding what happens when a person receives the Holy Spirit.


In some cases the Bible says that believers received the Holy Spirit but it does not describe what happened to the receivers. Saul whose name was later changed to Paul was apprehended on the way to Damascus by Jesus Christ. Paul asked the Lord, ‘What do you want me to do?’ This is how repentance starts. Doing what God instructs is true repentance. Jesus said that he would be told what to do by a man. The disciple Ananias told Paul to get baptised and that he should receive the Holy Spirit. Note that this did not happen on the road but some time later. Paul had begun to believe but notice he had not yet been baptised nor had he received the Holy Spirit. Even Paul had to follow the Bible pattern. In this matter there are no variations. God is no respecter of persons. Ananias made sure that Paul followed the Lord’s requirements for salvation established on the day of Pentecost, the first day that anyone received salvation. Paul was baptised in water and then received the Holy Spirit.

‘…Ananias… said… the Lord, even Jesus, that appeared to you in the way… has sent me… that you might be filled with the Holy Ghost. Immediately… he received his sight, and arose up, and was baptised’.

Acts 9: 17-18

The Bible does not say what happened when he received the Spirit, but after being baptised he was told to ‘wash away’ his sins. How?

‘… what are you waiting for? Arise and be baptised, and wash away your sins (by) calling on the name of the Lord’

Acts 22: 16

Did Paul speak in tongues when he was filled with the Holy Spirit? It is reasonable to assume so. He certainly received that God-given ability at some time. Paul rejoiced in the fact that he could speak in tongues more than any of the Corinthians. That they could all speak in tongues is clear from Paul’s letter to them.

‘I thank my God, I speak in tongues more than you all’.

1 Corinthians 14: 18

It is also consistent with other scriptures to conclude that Paul spoke in tongues first when he received the Holy Ghost. He received as other believers did in the Acts of the Apostles and as believers do today. Receiving the Spirit did not happen automatically in his case nor does it today. You must ask for the Spirit to come and dwell within you.

‘… and how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?’

Luke 11: 13

In the Greek language the word translated ASK means to ‘ask and keep on asking’. How long should you call upon the Lord asking for the Spirit? Can you know for sure that you have received the Spirit and no longer need to continue asking? God leaves us in no doubt at all. He will give you the promised sign just as Jesus said. You will speak in tongues.

According to John’s gospel if you want the Lord to dwell in you, if you want Him in your heart then you must ask for and receive the Spirit. Jesus promised that the Father would send the Comforter, who would abide with us forever. He said that in this way He and the Father would literally come and live in us.

‘Truly, truly, I say unto you, He that receives whomsoever I send (the Holy Spirit) receives me; he that receives me (Jesus) receives him (the Father) that sent me’.

John 13: 20

‘… for he (the Spirit of truth) dwells with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come unto you’.

John 14: 17-18

‘If a man love me, he will keep my words; and my Father will love him, and we will come to him (as the Holy Spirit), and make our abode with him’

John 14: 23

Paul did not receive Christ on the Damascus road. He turned to Jesus and called him Lord. His obedience from that time on led him to that moment when he received Christ, as the Bible describes this experience, when some time later he received the baptism of the Holy Spirit

Note particularly the essential work of the Spirit, which also did not take place until Paul received the Spirit – to wash away sins. You can believe, be baptised, but still need your sins washed away according to God’s Word. We are cleansed and saved by the work of the Holy Spirit. Jesus paid the price so we could receive the Spirit of God. What an insult to spurn the blessing of His wonderful gift! We are saved not by our works of righteousness such as repentance, believing and water baptism, important as they are, but by the Spirit.

‘Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost’

Titus 3: 5

From this scripture we can also see that no one’s sins are washed away, no one is a new creature in Christ, no one is saved until they have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. In fact God’s Word states clearly that the only way that one becomes part of the Body of Christ, a member of His Church, is by Holy Spirit baptism.

‘For by one Spirit are we all baptised into one body…. and have all been made to drink into one Spirit’

1 Corinthians 12: 13


Phillip preached to the Samaritans. They turned to the Lord Jesus. Although they had believed, the scriptures once again show that they did not automatically receive the Spirit.

‘Now when the Apostles which were in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the Word of God, they sent to them Peter and John: who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost: [for as yet he was fallen on none of them: only they were baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus]’

Acts 8: 14-15

This was quite unsatisfactory. Peter and John were sent that these believers might receive God’s Spirit. They had not received their personal Pentecostal experience. Why did not the Apostles just assume that they had received like so many do today? Why bother to go all that way just to help them receive a nice but non-essential experience? Here is another important question. How could the Apostles be so sure the Spirit had not yet fallen on them? There was ‘great joy in that city’. Their lives had taken a turn for the better. The Samaritans felt good now their hearts were turned to God and they were no longer rebellious. They were mentally and emotionally delighted with the news that Jesus had risen from the dead. The miracles that Phillip did in Jesus’ name impressed them greatly. They were repentant to the point that they had been baptised in obedience to Christ’s command. However, the vital God-supplied ingredient was still missing.

The answer to these questions is obvious. There was as yet no Bible evidence of them receiving the Spirit. No one had spoken in tongues, so the Apostles knew positively that the Holy Ghost had fallen on none of them. God’s salvation plan had not been fulfilled in their lives. They were not yet saved. They had not received Christ.

‘Now if any man has not the Spirit of Christ he is none of His’

Romans 8: 9

This is not a different Spirit. The Bible is quite specific about that fact; ‘there is one Spirit’. The people of Samaria had not yet received that Spirit. They did not yet belong to Jesus. They were not anointed, not yet Christians. Now we know why it was so important that Peter and John go to Samaria. They were not born of the Spirit

‘… Truly, truly, I (Jesus) say unto you, except a man be born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God’

John 3: 5

Eventually the scriptures record that they received the Holy Spirit. No more details are given except to say that a worldly man named Simon was so impressed with what he saw and heard when the Samaritans received the Holy Spirit that he offered money to the Apostles. He foolishly thought that the ‘gift of God’ could be bought with money. Although Simon had apparently believed and had been baptised he was on the wrong track.

‘… your heart is not right in the sight of God… you are in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity’

Acts 8: 21-23

Hardly the description of a born-again Christian! To be saved and at the same time to be in the bond of iniquity is a contradiction. He was not yet saved. Though the detail is not given we can be sure that all the believers in Samaria spoke in tongues. Jesus said they would.

These events in Samaria establish another key point. Peter and John were sent because the baptised believers there had not yet received the ‘gift of God’ (as Peter named it)

‘Peter said to him (Simon), your money perish with you, because you have thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money’.

Acts 8: 20

The ‘gift of God’ we are told in the epistle to the Romans, is eternal life. Simon wanted to pay money to be able to give others an obvious and impressive demonstration of God’s power. He said nothing about eternal life. Peter, however, knew that what the Samaritans had received was in fact eternal life. Until Peter and John had prayed with them they had not received the ‘living water that springs up into everlasting life’

‘For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God (the baptism of the Holy Ghost) is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord’

Romans 6: 23

The ‘gift of God’ and the ‘gift of eternal life’ are synonymous terms. Certainly this is why Jesus ‘bore our sins in his own body on the tree’. That we might have life. The prime objective of God’s plan of salvation is that we have our sins washed away and that we pass from death to life everlasting. That did not happen to the Samaritans until God’s Spirit had fallen on them.

Just to emphasise this important point let us remember the two key things that John the Baptist said about the Lord Jesus. He proclaimed that Jesus was the Lamb of God and that Jesus would baptise with the Holy Spirit.

‘Behold the Lamb of God which takes away the sins of the world’. ‘…he (jesus) shall baptise you with the Holy Ghost…’

John 1: 29 and 33.

The first signifies the purchase price for our salvation. The second tells us how Jesus would deliver it to us. Always remember that a man can baptise another in water, but only Jesus, who knows the heart, can baptise with the Holy Spirit. Now we know why the Apostles in Jerusalem had every reason to be concerned about the Samaritans.


Paul was similarly concerned when he came to Ephesus. The first thing he asked was whether they had received the Holy Spirit since they believed. It is a question that all should ask themselves. Paul was able to minister to them so that their obvious deficiency could be corrected. The Ephesians were not yet born of the Spirit. Having been baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus, Paul prayed with them and they received the Holy Spirit. As they received they began to speak in tongues as at the beginning.

‘When they heard this, they were baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus. And when Paul laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came upon them; and they spoke in tongues…’

Acts 19: 5-6

Our experience must also match the Bible plan exactly or we have not got what God offers. That is true Bible defined faith. To accept anything less is to have faith in something other than what His Word says. Such faith may please men but it does not impress God.


What must we do to be saved? In Jude we are told that we must get back to the way the church began. We must strive to retain what those first disciples believed and received.

‘Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write to you of the common salvation, it was necessary for me to write to you, and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints’

Jude 3

In this post we have done just that. We have gone back in the scriptures to that point in time when Jesus delivered to His first disciples His saving power, on the day of Pentecost. In the second chapter of Acts of the Apostles we read how the Christian church began. On that day the Lord used Peter to present His plan of salvation. He proclaimed the clear guidelines, the simple instructions on how to get saved. If we believe His Words, if we have faith in them, then we will save ourselves from this evil world. ‘Repent… be baptised… receive the Holy Spirit’ is the Bible blue-print.

Further, Jude goes on to say that men had already crept in who were endeavouring to change this pattern.

‘For there are certain men crept in unawares… ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness (anything goes), and denying (opposing) the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ… these be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit’

Jude 4 and 19

No one can change God’s plan, but many have been persuaded that it can be and has changed. Change is not permitted. Man may invent another gospel response that cuts down on His requirements. God’s Word says, ‘Let him be accursed’

The Spirit-filled church must earnestly contend that the way in which God started His church is the way God will continue it. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is essential for salvation. It was prophesied in the Old Testament. It was promised by Jesus and bought for us by His sacrifice. It is described repeatedly in the Acts of the Apostles with the God given sign of ‘speaking in tongues’. To zealously claim salvation when God’s stipulated requirements have not been met and His specified confirmation has not been received is at best foolish, and at worst dishonest. It neither honours God nor His Word.

Have you obeyed Jesus’ command and been baptised since you believed? Obey the Lord and be saved from death to life. Repent, be baptised and call upon Him until your born-again experience of receiving the baptism of the the Holy Spirit matches the Bible pattern.