Local Ni-Van Stories
Healing by God is not new. It occurred in both Old and New Testament times. In the Old Testament God said, “…for I am the Lord that healeth thee” Exodus 15: 26. The scriptures record much more detail about Gods willingness to heal, in particular through Jesus. He healed all who came to Him. The scriptures declare, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8. It follows that healing is part of Gods promises to believers today. Below are examples of such healings amongst the people of Vanuatu.
George Healed of Paralysis
George was crippled for 6 months. Caused by a disease in his spine. He could not move legs or arms and was spoon fed by his wife for the 6 months prior to people from the church arriving. They prayed for him, and he immediately started to move. He started walking and gradually gained strength. George went back to work a couple of weeks later.
Martha healed from Blindness
Martha was blind for approximately 2 years. Through her daughter Morty, church people were invited to pray for her mum. Within minutes she burst out ‘speaking in tongues’ as she received the Holy Spirit. After another 5 minutes she turned to her daughter and in her native tongue, Bislama, told her daughter to say thank you, as she could now see.
Life Changed by God (Pastor Bob Beverley)
In this short video Pastor Bob Beverley from the Canberra Revival Fellowship talks about his conversion and the Revival Fellowship Church beliefs as well as the how the Revival Fellowship from humble beginnings in 2002 has spread to the various Vanuatu Islands such as Efate’, Gaua, Malakula, Santo and Tanna
Life Changed by God (Pastor Tony Tesamale)
In this short video Pastor Tony Tesemale explains a little about his background and how he heard the message of salvation from another person. Listen to how God’s power changed his life for the better. Tony now has a sure hope for the future.